Turismo de Alcalá de Guadaíra


Compatibility with Standards

This web site has been designed and programmed following the initiative WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative, www.w3.org/wai ) guidelines, which gives international standards for the creation of web contents accessible to everybody.

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict ¡CSS Válido! Icono de conformidad con el Nivel Doble-A, de las Directrices de Accesibilidad para el Contenido Web 1.0 del W3C-WAI

Accessibility Guidelines

Several measures have been taken in order to make the web site more accessible, among them:

Keyboard Shortcuts

Most of the browsers support direct access to specific links by pressing certain combinations of keys (access keys) defined in the website.

The way of pressing access keys will depend on the browser you are using:

Internet Explorer   Alt + access key + Enter
Firefox   Capital Key + Alt + access key
Safari   Ctrl + access key
Opera   Capital Key + Esc + access key
Netscape   Alt + access key
Chrome   Alt + access key

In our portal the following access keys are available:


Most of the links with a text that does not describe completely its have title attributes with some explanation.

When it is possible, links are written in a way that they make sense out of context. Some browsers (such like JAWS, Home Page Reader, Lynx, and Opera) can draw the list of links from the present page and allow users to navigate from this list. Taking this into account, links are not duplicated and if they are it it is because they acess to the same contents.

There are no javascript Pseudo-links.Most of the links can be followed through any browser, even if javascript is disabled.


Pictures Gallery - Castle

Watching, looking at in Alcalá is filling the retina with photos. Your eyes will take snapshots at every step. Access to our picture gallery.

Our History

Know Alcalá's history, we invite you to take a trip through our history up to contemporary times.

Promotional Videos

From this section it is possible to visualize our video files where you can appreciate the whole touristic richness of Alcalá de Guadaíra.
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Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de Guadaíra (www.ciudadalcala.org)