Turismo de Alcalá de Guadaíra

Interesting Telephone Numbers


If you wish to make a call to Andalusia/Spain from abroad, you have to dial the outside code from the country you are calling from (usu. 00 or +) plus 34 (Spain's code) plus the telephone number (9 figures).

If you wish to call from Andalusia/Spain to another country, you will have to dial 00, the country code and the telephone number. You can make calls from telephone booths. These boxes work with currency coins or with cards that can be acquired at the post offices, kiosks or tobacconists'.

If you wish to make calls from Andalusia to the rest of Spain, you just have to dial the number with no prefixes. This number consists always of 9 figures, either a land or a mobile phone.

If you wish to use your mobile phone in Andalusia/Spain, you have to know that our technology is GSM 900/1800 has to know that our (not compatible with the one of some countries like the United States or Japan). If your technology is compatible with ours, you will have to contact your country's operator to make sure that you can use your mobile in Andalusia/Spain (some operators must activate their international service). Once the steps at your home country have been taken, you will be able to use your mobile in Andalusia/Spain as if your terminal were Spanish. That is, you will have to dial 00 plus the country code to make international calls.

Looking for accommodation

You will be able to choose among a wide variety of hotels of different categories that adapted to all budgets and likes for your stay in Alcalá.

How can you arrive?

Choose the way you find easier or more comfortable to get to our town: plane, train, bus, tram, car...

Interesting Spots

There are places that you cannot forget to visit at our town. Go into them, know them and you will always take them in your memory.
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