Turismo de Alcalá de Guadaíra

In love with Alcalá


Cesáreo Estébanez Bueno

Because of his career, vocation and above all, his professionalism he is one of the best actors of the Spanish panorama. He has all the registers: pleasant, funny, tragic. This is so on the screen. Because regarding his personal side, his humanity and sense of humour always prevail. He is from Alcalá because of devotion and conviction, because here is the place where he always returns to with his wife and friends. His professional career would be extensive, but it includes milestones that make him a fundamental part of the sentimental Spanish memory.

He was the remembered officer Romerales of Farmacia de Guardia (Spanish TV series), but he also has interpreted unforgettable characters in movies like "Atún y chocolate" (Tuna and Chocolate), "El Lute", "La vida mancha" (Life Stains), "800 balas" (800 Bullets), "El perro del hortelano" (The Dog in the Manger), "Malaventura" or "La noche de los girasoles" (The Night of the Sunflowers). Or in television, in series like "Hombres de Paco" (Paco's Men), "Periodistas" (Reporters), "La forja de un rebelde" (The Forging of a Rebel) or "Escenas de Matrimonio" (Couples' Scenes). In theatre he has done everything and he has also been theatrical producer, naming his company after the place where he looks at life with the Castle as backdrop, this is, Zacatín.

Antonio Gutiérrez Limones
What makes you love Alcalá?

Well, that's a little secret...

Which is the place you always take your friends and acquaintances to when you show Alcalá to them?

My friends like above all toe at, so I take them to Pinichi, Mamma Mia, to Tere's, to Bernardo's, to Bueno's, to La Cochera, to Círculo, to En cá el conde, to La Centenaria... and of course, they don't miss the Feria, but I also try they knew the Castle, Oromana, the Museum, the Centro Park, the mills and all the beautiful places of this village.

Tell us something Alcalá has and you have not found in any other place in the world.

Of course, the high number of rivermills.

Which one is the spot of the town you always go back to?

To Zacatín quarter.

Take us for a walk through Alcalá; tell us a route so we know it.

Luckily for all of us who have a heavy bottom to face the uncountable slopes of this village, a wonderful route by the river bank is being prepared which, when it were finished and if it can be kept as beautiful as it seems it is going to be (not everybody appreciates as her/his public assets), it is going to be an authentic luxury for all Alcalá's people.

In which square shall we sit down to talk for a while when we are half-way?

In don Paulino's Square, at Miguelito's place.

What do you invite us to in order to recover our strength after the walk?

To a Manzanilla wine, a small dish of carne mechá (stuffed meat) and some good olives.

What is the most curious or the nicest thing you have ever heard about your town?

I believe that what has always attracted my attention from this village is the enormous and traditional fondness for painting. It is unusual finding a house that does not have some painter's original pictures; they are also -men and women- amateur painters and painting lovers. It is amazing.

What does being from Alcalá (alcalareño) mean, does it mark the character?

I don't believe it. Furthermore, I believe it is not so fortunately. But I recognize any Alcalá person, even in China, by the way they have to eat olives, whether he or she is form Alcalá or its surroundings: He catches the olive very carefully, takes its to his mouth fearfully, frowns, twists his mouth and finally, he says (throwing the pit contemptuously).-"!!Zapateras!!" You cannot be wrong. He is from Alcalá.

Once you go up the Castle, which is the place you like best to look at?

Towards North.

Tell us a secret about your town.

Tell it to me and I will tell you what makes me love Alcalá.

Antonio Gutierrez Limones
Cesáreo Estébanez Bueno
Javier Barón
Ramón Vázquez García
José Manuel Fernández Portillo
Javier Hermida
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